
Workday Discover® Seoul 2023 On-demand

여러분의 성원과 참여로 행사가 잘 마무리 되었습니다. 관심을 가져주시고 참가해주셔서 감사합니다. Discover Seoul 2023은 다시보기 영상을 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
AI와 ML로 변화하는 세상에서 일의 미래를 준비하고 탄탄하게 비즈니스를 관리하는 혁신 기업의 사례를 확인해보세요.


Discover Seoul 2023 On Demand 영상 보기

기조연설: The Future of Work In the world of AI & ML
– 라구 프라사드(Raghu Prasad) 프리세일즈 담당 부사장, Workday APJ


AI와 ML을 활용한 인재 확보, 육성 및 업스킬링
– 이중석 솔루션 컨설턴트, Workday Korea


People Strategy in Toss: Culture
– 김용규 People Team Leader, 비바리퍼블리카


– 이준영 Talent Management Team Leader, 무신사

Featured Speakers

Hear from business luminaries.

Aneel Bhusri - placeholder

Aneel Bhusri

Workday hosts shared learnings from the past year, discusses our momentum in healthcare, and summarizes key insights from sessions.

Aneel Bhusri - placeholder

Aneel Bhusri

Workday hosts shared learnings from the past year, discusses our momentum in healthcare, and summarizes key insights from sessions.

Aneel Bhusri - placeholder

Aneel Bhusri

Workday hosts shared learnings from the past year, discusses our momentum in healthcare, and summarizes key insights from sessions.

Aneel Bhusri - placeholder

Aneel Bhusri

Workday hosts shared learnings from the past year, discusses our momentum in healthcare, and summarizes key insights from sessions.


What guests have to say.

Capture the voice of your employees.

“Workday gives managers more insight into their teams to make better decisions and to plan ahead.”

Capture the voice of your employees.

“Workday gives managers more insight into their teams to make better decisions and to plan ahead.”

Capture the voice of your employees.

“Workday gives managers more insight into their teams to make better decisions and to plan ahead.”

Capture the voice of your employees.

“Workday gives managers more insight into their teams to make better decisions and to plan ahead.”