WilsonHCG unleashes the power of talent worldwide.

Global talent solutions leader streamlines its people and business processes with the full Workday suite.

HR & finance teams can support a 30%-40% larger workforce

>90% completion rate for employee evaluations

<1 month timeframe to recalibrate employee skills

Wilson Human Capital Group (WilsonHCG) understands that business success depends on the right people. The company creates configurable talent acquisition strategies for clients around the world. Reaching across industries, countries and cultures, WilsonHCG offers a portfolio of solutions that help attract, recruit, and retain top talent. The company partners with some of the world’s most admired brands to improve processes and outcomes throughout the entire talent management journey.

We help our clients achieve more through talent. Workday allows us to be more efficient internally, saving time and costs, so we can deliver more to clients and grow the business.

Chief Financial Officer

Technology modernisation delivers fast results.

As WilsonHCG continued both to expand their client base and global footprint and to launch innovative workforce solutions, they required a system that would allow them to scale business and project management processes to meet client requirements. The company also wanted to provide specific data points to clients to verify the effectiveness of their investments in talent-focused projects and programmes.

WilsonHCG’s own talent leaders also benefit from the consolidated view of data that helps them make more informed staffing decisions to meet client needs. Until recently, WilsonHCG was using several legacy software tools for managing finance, projects and talent.

Recognising the need for a new software environment that integrated both HR and finance management, the company deployed the complete Workday suite – Workday Financial Management, Workday Human Capital Management (Workday HCM) and Workday Professional Services Automation (Workday PSA). Marisol Hughes, executive vice president and general counsel at Wilson Human Capital Group, says, “We noticed tangible efficiencies very quickly after the Workday deployment.”

Now our finance managers have more time to perform analytics and report on how our services and projects deliver value. That helps us make the right financial and talent management decisions.

Chief Financial Officer

Client-first approach to reinventing business management.

By deploying the full suite of Workday products, WilsonHCG was able to manage talent and business processes in a flexible, unified software environment. The ability to provide more accurate, consistent and complete information by means of automated data traffic helps WilsonHCG bring new insight to business processes, allowing them to adapt and scale. This means the talent leader can ensure that the company has people with the right skills available at the right time. 

For WilsonHCG, Workday PSA is instrumental in streamlining tasks throughout the contingent workforce lifecycle, from onboarding to customer invoicing. This increased agility enables the company to shift promptly in response to changing business conditions and client needs. 

Chief Financial Officer Ken Bowles says, “Workday allows us to implement more automation as we move into other countries and work with very different clients. For example, in billing, we often use monthly fixed fees, which are almost like a subscription plan, and variable invoicing. With Workday, we can automate our billing schedules so we can be more efficient and still address individual client requirements.”

It was a revelation for us to see how much easier it is to integrate people management in Workday.

Chief Financial Officer

Simpler financial processes make employees’ lives easier.

By simplifying finance processes in Workday, WilsonHCG enables its team members to get more done. Even better, more accurate and faster billing means the finance team can process more volume without adding people. “The same team can provide all the invoicing for the regions where we do business”, Bowles comments. Another benefit is that consultants and project managers can enter hours worked from any device and perform mass project time transfers and approvals.

Setting up new organisations with the right level of visibility and aligning management chains in Workday are smooth and seamless.

Executive Vice President and General Counsel

Delivering insights instead of wrestling with data.

Project and portfolio managers can dive into analytics and reporting to drive business decisions regarding how to best manage talent and client programmes, taking full advantage of Workday machine learning. Hughes says, “Instead of building as many as 17 different decks to assemble people data from various systems, I can now assess turnover, retention and workforce diversity in a single tool. The machine learning in Workday works behind the scenes to drive predictive analysis and save us time.”

Intuitive, role-optimised dashboards using Workday data help WilsonHCG deepen insights by gathering machine learning and other data inputs into an easily digestible format. “The dashboards make for some of my proudest moments”, Hughes adds. “People on our team have learned how to build these to display just about any meaningful metric. That includes an executive dashboard that helps our CEO review past events and, even more importantly, look ahead to understand emerging opportunities, trends and risks in our business.”

Workday lets us see how each project performs and allows us to staff at the right levels with appropriate skills.

Chief Financial Officer

Dramatic growth becomes efficiently manageable.

Workday has helped WilsonHCG easily manage growth through its acquisitions. As Bowles describes, “It was a revelation for us to see how much easier it is to integrate people management in Workday. We can simply extend our global structure to the teams in a newly acquired company.”

Not only can WilsonHCG now manage organisational change better, but it benefits from the transparency and control that Workday provides. Hughes explains, “Setting up new organisations with the right level of visibility and aligning management chains in Workday are smooth and seamless.”

The right partner for client talent strategies.

By assessing how well its projects deliver targeted outcomes, WilsonHCG can nimbly move resources around to meet clients’ shifting needs. “Workday lets us see how each project performs and allows us to staff at the right levels with appropriate skills”, Bowles notes. “Using project allocations and resource planning, and then linking to the revenue side and looking at the project as a whole, has been fantastic for us.”

Workday delivers real-time, comprehensive information that helps WilsonHCG make the best of employees’ strengths. “With real-time employee data, we can see who should get a promotion, who has which skills and qualifications, and who might be at risk of leaving”, Hughes says. “That gives us the confidence to bring on new clients and projects quickly and address client needs proactively.”

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