Trademark and Copyright Usage Guidelines
Effective: 10/24/2023
At Workday, Inc. (“Workday”), we understand the value of hard work and creativity. In fact, innovation is one of our core values. Integrity is another. And that’s why we are committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of others, and we expect others to do the same.
As you can imagine, the Workday trademarks (“Workday Trademark(s)”) are some of our most valuable company assets, and as such, we work hard to protect and enforce our rights, when necessary. As a result, we ask that you use our trademarks properly to maintain the strength and integrity of the Workday brand. We created these Trademark and Copyright Usage Guidelines (“Guidelines”) to help you do just that.
Written for Workday customers, partners, suppliers, and vendors, as well as third-party developers, members of the media and public, and any other unaffiliated third party (“you,” “your,” or “yours”), these Guidelines will help you better understand how to work correctly with our trademarks and copyrights. We update our Guidelines from time to time, so be sure to check back in when you are considering working with our trademarks and copyrights.
What’s included?
Trademarks. Our trademarks include all registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks (including words, logos, slogans, or a combination thereof) owned by Workday or its subsidiaries. A representative list of our current trademarks can be found on our Workday Trademark List.
Copyrights. Workday’s copyrighted works (“Workday Copyrighted Works”) include all of our creative works, including without limitation, proprietary source code, software, and user interface; website, related pages and content therein, whitepapers, images, screenshots, photographs, data sheets, videos, reports, icons, graphics, articles, and other marketing, educational, promotional, reference, and training materials and collateral.
Again, we know the do’s and don’ts can be confusing, so we’ve created these Guidelines to assist you in recognizing the proper and improper uses of our trademarks and copyrighted material. Please note that these Guidelines do not grant you a license to use any Workday Trademarks or Workday Copyrighted Works outside of any separate written agreement that may exist between you and Workday, and you may not reproduce, copy, distribute, display or perform, edit, create derivative works, or post Workday Copyrighted Works on any website without prior written authorization from Workday.
- Our audiences
- General guidelines
- Do’s and don'ts
Our audiences.
We’ve written these Guidelines to help everyone in our audience. And that includes you.
Authorized Workday Partners that have an active Partner Agreement are welcome to use the Workday Trademarks in promotional, sales, and advertising materials to refer to the Workday goods and services as set forth in the Partner Agreement between Workday and such parties. Marketing activities, including use of Partner logos, are at the discretion of Workday and must comply with the Workday Partner Communications Guidelines and any other written requirements Workday provides. Use of the Workday graphical logos are made on a case-by-case basis and should be requested from their Workday Alliance Manager and/or Workday Alliance Marketing lead.
Workday generally does not allow the use of Workday Trademarks by third parties. Approved suppliers and vendors may only use the Workday Trademarks as outlined in the Supplier Agreement and these Guidelines, or with express written permission.
Workday Extend Program Partners and unaffiliated third-party developers have access to the Workday Canvas Design System as well as other Workday Copyrighted Works provided with the Developer Materials. It’s important to note, however, that developers may not use any Workday Trademarks to identify applications. Promotion and advertising activities are at the discretion of Workday and must be in accordance with the Workday Developer Program Terms and Conditions, the Workday Developer Program Guidelines, and these Guidelines.
The Workday Brand Central portal is designed for 1) Approved global agencies, contractors, and designers who have completed the Workday Brand Training, and 2) those who are approved by the Workday procurement team. Workday Brand Central users must adhere to the Brand Guide and these Guidelines.
We invite members of our Workday Community to use Workday Trademarks in accordance with our Community Policies and Terms of Use and in tandem with these Guidelines. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to reiterate that you should not imply or suggest that your posting is endorsed or approved by Workday (unless that’s really the case).
Unless you receive specific consent from Workday, you may not use Workday Copyrighted Works (such as screenshots, code, or schematics related to Workday Service) . Often, content downloaded from the Community may be proprietary and confidential and may only be used in strict compliance with your company’s applicable agreement with Workday and these Guidelines.
Members of the media, investors, influencers, bloggers, general public, and other publishers are welcome to download and use the images and their associated captions found on the Workday Newsroom and Media Resources site. The use of these images is only intended for use in media articles, blogs, and on other sites and channels related to Workday business and must not be used in a manner that damages the Workday brand. Additionally, all images must include the captions provided by Workday and state “Courtesy of Workday.”
Unaffiliated third parties with no formal relationship with Workday may only use the Workday Trademarks in compliance with these Guidelines or with prior, written authorization from Workday. Any use of the Workday Trademarks must be in plain text and accompanied by a disclaimer such as “[Your Company] is not affiliated with Workday, Inc., nor does Workday, Inc. sponsor or endorse [Your Company], its services, or its website.” Workday permits the use of the Workday graphical logos on a case-by-case basis only.
You made it! If you still have questions about our trademarks, would like to request permission to use any Workday Trademarks or Workday Copyrighted Works, or to report the misuse of our intellectual property by others, please feel free to email us at