Improved internal collaboration leads to better service for SS&C clients.

“We realized we needed to bring all systems together. That led to the decision to deploy Workday worldwide.”—Jeffrey Wallace, Vice President Financial Planning & Analysis

Better visibility into global transactions

Improved collaboration across HR and finance teams

Ability to manage resources easily

Access to real-time data on demand

For more than 35 years, SS&C has developed the technology and services that power client success in multiple industries including banking, insurance, and healthcare. SS&C deployed Workday so its internal operational excellence mirrors the capabilities the organization offers its clients. Workday has enabled SS&C to:

  • Incorporate mergers and acquisitions quickly so more technology options and services can be offered to clients

  • Scale resources more effectively to help expand team capabilities

  • Provide leaders with increased visibility into data to help develop closer client relationships

Having Workday as the single source of truth is helping our teams make better decisions and gives our business-unit leadership the tools to manage their resources easily.

Jeffrey Wallace, Vice President Financial Planning & Analysis

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