Artificial Intelligence Study

AI: HR’s next X factor

70% of business leaders believe that AI will be instrumental to success in HR over the next five years – and employees agree. 

Find out why and how AI will play a vital role in the future of HR.

Person with yellow sun behind them.

Study Findings

Your people are primed for AI


of employees want their company to implement AI across their organisation.


of workers think they could benefit from training around how to use AI in the workplace.


of employees agree that AI could make it easier for them to find information.

How we help

We deliver AI with a human touch

From flattening the learning curve to finding out how your workforce is feeling about AI – we’re here to support you as you lead in the future of work.

Upskilling makes the sky the limit

We deliver targeted, AI-focused learning modules to help train and up-skill your workforce.

Curated experiences for all

Connect with your employees to share plans and practices through announcements, personalised journeys and more.

Hear how it’s going

Gather direct input from your employees and feedback to see how they’re feeling at every step.


Ready to talk? Get in touch

All findings, statistics and insights were pulled from a Workday-commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting titled “A Human-Centred Approach to AI in the Workplace” (November 2023).