Our commitment to diversity and inclusion
At Workday, we believe every employee deserves equitable pay and an equal chance to succeed. We embrace different perspectives, backgrounds and skills to encourage diversity, because it fuels innovation and broadens our connection to the world.
Ensuring pay equity
Through our market-based pay structure and annual pay equity review, we’re confident that our Workmates are paid equitably. During our annual pay parity analyses, we examine base salary, on-target earnings and annual stock refresh grants to pay according to the market value of every job. These reviews consistently reveal no disparities for greater than 99 percent of our workforce.
“Equity is not easy to achieve – it requires acknowledging differences, understanding history and many other considerations. Equity is worth the effort, because everyone should enjoy the chance to contribute and succeed”
Carin Taylor, Chief Diversity Officer, Workday
Understanding the gender pay gap
We recognise that ‘pay gap’ and ‘pay equity’ are very different things. Unlike pay gap calculations, pay equity compares individuals by job roles – comparing equal pay for equal work. The gender pay gap, as defined by the Ireland Government, is the difference in the average hourly wage of all men and women across a workforce regardless of what type of job they hold or level of responsibility.
Continuing the journey
Closing the gender pay gap is an ongoing journey, and Workday is committed to achieving that goal. The number of women in our global leadership team is testament to this. Every organisation including ourselves must continue to promote, encourage and develop female talent to drive lasting change in the technology sector. At the same time, organisations need to show that people are salaried, bonused and rewarded in an equitable way, regardless of gender. Pay equity is crucial as we push to close the gender pay gap.
- 2023
- 2022
Our 2023 Ireland gender pay gap results
The market in Ireland is important to Workday and has provided heavily desired tech talent to support our Product and Technology organisation, our primary business segment in Ireland. These high-tech roles are well paid, but like our competitors in high-tech, are still heavily male dominated. This larger representation of men in our high-tech workforce in Ireland has led to a positive pay gap (males are paid higher on average). While we’re confident we pay fairly and equitably, we acknowledge we can do more to reach a better balanced workforce between men and women, especially in higher paid roles.
Below are the Workday results for the required Ireland pay gap calculations. Please note Workday had no temporary employees and no part-time male employees so we are unable to report a pay gap.
Our 2022 Ireland gender pay gap results
Our results in the 2022-2023 reporting year reflected the fact that there were more men employed by Workday in Ireland and a greater number of men in technical and other higher paid roles. We took steps to improve through our annual pay parity reviews and gender-equal recruitment policies. Please note Workday had no temporary employees and no part-time male employees so we are unable to report a pay gap.
What is Workday Ireland doing to close the gap?
At Workday, our belonging and diversity strategy is to: Value Inclusion, Belonging and Equity (VIBE™) for all. We believe employee diversity, including different backgrounds, perspectives and skills, fuels innovation. Having different perspectives and experiences come together helps us build the Workday product. To help us close the gap, we continue to implement a number of initiatives to attract and retain more female employees.
These include:
Hiring & Partnerships
- Monitoring hiring to drive gender balanced representation at all levels of organisation
- Building diversity partnerships to engage with female talent pools and proactive outreach through the Talent Sourcing team
- Drive inclusion from job postings to onboarding by utilising inclusive language tools and diverse hiring teams
- Post open roles on Diversity Partner Job boards to increase visibility and talent attraction
Retention & Progression
- Increased career progression discussions; new employee recognition tools
- Offering best-in-class benefits for family planning, midwife services, parental leave, caregiving & bonding, & menopause support
- Focused re-onboarding for maternity leave returners
- Ensure gender pay equity through annual pay audits and market-based pay structure
Culture of Belonging
- Continue to infuse VIBE into how we think about and act on our Workday core values
- Centre employee voice through our investment and connection with Employee Belonging Councils and weekly Peakon surveys
- Launch of EMEA VIBE Council and global Respectful Workplace Policy
Our biggest opportunity to reduce the gender pay gap continues to be through increasing the representation of women, especially in tech and in more senior-level roles. Although not reflective of pay equity, Workday is fully committed to improving our gender pay gap and, along with many of our peers, we are pursuing forward-thinking and gender-equal recruitment policies. You can learn more about our commitment to diversity and inclusion can be found in our Global Impact Report or on our blog.
Benefits in kind: A benefit in kind is any non-cash benefit of monetary value offered to employees such as gift cards, relocation costs, fitness reimbursements and health benefits.
Bonus pay: Includes one-time bonus payments, performance bonus, commissions, stock and other one-time payments.
Gender pay gap: The difference on average across a population between men’s and women’s pay.
Hourly pay: Includes base pay, allowances, leave and bonus pay.
Mean hourly pay gap: The difference between the mean hourly remuneration of relevant employees of the male gender and that of relevant employees of the female gender expressed as a percentage of the mean hourly remuneration of relevant employees of the male gender.
Median hourly pay gap: The difference between the median hourly remuneration of relevant employees of the male gender and that of relevant employees of the female gender expressed as a percentage of the median hourly remuneration of relevant employees of the male gender.
Mean bonus pay gap: The difference between the mean bonus remuneration of relevant employees of the male gender and that of relevant employees of the female gender, expressed as a percentage of the mean bonus remuneration of relevant employees of the male gender.
Median bonus pay gap: The difference between the median bonus remuneration of relevant employees of the male gender and that of relevant employees of the female gender, expressed as a percentage of the median bonus remuneration of relevant employees of the male gender.
Proportion of those paid a bonus: The percentage of all employees of the male gender who were paid bonus remuneration and the percentage of all employees of the female gender who were paid such remuneration.
Proportion of those paid benefits in kind: The percentage of all employees of the male gender who received benefits in kind and the percentage of all employees of the female gender who received such benefits.