Stout retires its legacy systems to support growth in the cloud

“With Workday, we have all the data on our people and finances in the same place. This is important to our growth through acquisitions as we move the firm forward.” – Chief Information Officer

Consolidated 6 siloed systems across finance and HR to 1

Automated project and customer setup processes to save time

Strengthened the partnership among HR, IT and finance

Stout Chief Information Officer Stacy Carron discusses the company’s transition to Workday from its legacy HR and finance systems. Carron notes that Workday came at a perfect time, as Stout was moving its entire infrastructure to the cloud.

Workday has enabled Stout to:

  • Retire legacy systems, freeing up resources to focus on adding value to the business
  • Leverage the same set of data to build trust, improve data integrity and make better decisions across the organisation
  • Automate project setup processes that drive operational efficiency and save time on accounting
  • Shift toward a self-service culture that empowers employees to access data quickly and communicate better cross-functionally

Workday has really changed my role as a CIO because it’s allowed me to focus on the value that I can bring to the business.


– Chief Information Officer

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