How real-time employee insight drives positive change at Vinted.

Read how this international C2C secondhand marketplace has its finger on the pulse of how its people are really feeling.

Better insight into employee sentiment

Enhanced ability to identify emerging people challenges

Improved ability to show commitment to positive change

Full Workday Peakon and Workday interconnection for real-time updates

When arriving at Vinted in late 2020, Josefine Botha, senior director, People Experience, was encouraged to find that the company already had a regular all-employee survey in place. Botha was less happy to find that it took “months and months” for her team to go through the survey data and analyze the findings

Getting real-time visibility fast.

“So, I saw change was needed,” Botha says. “We couldn’t be the bottleneck of this data. I wanted managers to have real-time access to whatever is happening in the organization. We were going through a major growth spurt, from 500 to more than 1,000 people within a year, so it was very important for us to know how people were feeling about working at Vinted, particularly in relation to the onboarding experience.”

Botha had already worked with Workday Peakon Employee Voice at a previous company, but for transparency Botha ensured that competitor solutions were also considered in the selection process. “What I really liked about Workday Peakon is its real-time data, meaning we can do a survey every two weeks or so with 15 or 16 questions, enabling us to get new insights really fast. In the end, it was an easy decision to deploy it again.”

I want managers to have real-time access to whatever’s happening in the organization, and that’s just what Workday Peakon delivers.

Josefine Botha, Senior Director, People Experience

Using AI-powered insights to identify key action points.

As the business continues to grow, the company’s use of Workday Peakon Employee Voice is becoming increasingly integral to the way the business is managed. As Botha puts it, “We use many measurements, but Workday Peakon data is always one of the most important underlying factors that we look for.”

“Right now, for example, as our rapid growth continues,” Botha explains, “we are tightly focused on ensuring that our people in, say, Amsterdam, or Berlin are as happy as those who are based at our headquarters in Vilnius. It’s helping us ensure that the way of working—the benefits packages, the support and experience, and the employee engagement—are all as good as at head office.”

“As a result,” Botha continues, “Workday Peakon can enable us to spot when a particular function in a particular country is not performing as well as others. Then, we can identify the differences and do whatever needs to be done.”

“One essential area of focus,” Botha underscores, “is diversity, equality and inclusion (DE&I). This is very important to our business. If we see our scores on factors relating to these areas are not quite where we want them to be, we’ll make them priorities for the year ahead, watching on an almost daily basis to see if they’re up or down and taking action accordingly.”

A fully integrated people approach.

Since the initial Workday Peakon implementation, Vinted has also deployed other Workday products across the business. Now that the systems are properly integrated, Botha and her team are experiencing the full benefits of having immediate access to fully updated employee data under one platform.

“Before the systems were connected, we had to do manual updates,” Botha says. “It was constant effort, with people moving teams, new people joining all the time, and managers sometimes unable to see all their people on the system. When new joiners are live in Workday HCM, they are live in Workday Peakon as well. And when people move teams, it’s instantly reflected in the system. It works seamlessly.”

Demonstrating a culture of action and change.

Botha and her team have also found that Workday Peakon Employee Voice has an important role to play in demonstrating to employees that the company is focused on those areas where they both want and need attention to be concentrated.

As Botha explains, “We recently completed a second company-wide compensation evaluation program, in which we were extremely transparent about the philosophy and process behind how we determine people’s reward packages. This was because we’d established through Workday Peakon that while people were not unhappy with their actual reward, they were unsure about the process involved.”

“So now, “Botha continues, “we can say, ‘You’ve given us this feedback, with questions like how do you work out how much I get paid?’ That means people can see we’ve taken their questions on board and that they will be answered, which is great for engagement.”

With Workday Peakon, it’s not this heavy survey being sent out every six months. It’s biweekly, it’s super-quick, and we get all the new insights we need.

Josefine Botha, Senior Director, People Experience

Sustaining a highly engaged and productive workforce.

Vinted is among the top five percent of technology businesses in terms of their employee engagement, which is a status Botha and her colleagues are determined to maintain.

But, as Botha explains, “This is getting harder to do as we get more established and the average tenure of our employees increases. We must continue to listen and act on the issues that matter. Having a fully connected view of all our people and instant access to the latest data on their opinions via Workday Peakon as well as their circumstances via Workday is a major advantage.”

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