Automation, security and simplicity on a single platform.

From lift and shift to transformation, Drury Hotels builds a better digital foundation with Workday.

Improved security by consolidating disparate systems

Facilitated collaboration between IT and finance teams

Enabled mobile access for managers and frontline workers

Streamlined supply ordering for 140 hotel teams

Drury Hotels CFO Amy Smith and CIO Ryan Schlimpert share how consolidating IT and Finance operations on Workday is enabling them to operate in a much more effective way. Now they can:

  • Minimise manual tasks and level up value-added work
  • Secure their enterprise by consolidating disparate systems
  • Provide teams with accurate, timely, accessible data
  • Save time and resources by partnering effectively across the organisation
  • Roll out and test new options and programmes for employees

The biggest value that we've seen with Workday is that it’s a modern platform that helps us be more efficient so we can work smarter, faster and better. 

Chief Information Officer, Drury Hotels

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